Our Brick n Mortar Store

Monday, January 16, 2012

Good things happening around us ... :)

In my heart I do believe ... bad news sells and so we read just that all over the main news media ... but there is a parallel world which thrives healthly ... living a humane way ... where there is joy in the little things of life ... there is a will to share and care  ... love and help and it is all around us ... and it is created by people like us, all around us ...  Aarohi's work  for an NGO doing amazing work called The Voice of Stray Dog  based out of Bangalore , needs to be applauded ... :)
It has all the news of starting a day with that feel good factor ... if you want to read more about this, pop over to her blog here. You 'll sure feel more positive about things happening around us. Who knows you 'll figure that we can all make a diff. in our own ways.


Aarohi said...

Thanks for sharing this Rajee :-) Hopefully over the next three weeks I will give you something worth sharing almost everyday!
Your support and the conversations have meant the world to me. Now if we can only do this over chai soon :-)

Srija Padmnanabhan (Chickoo) said...

This has such a nice feeling attached to it. Some respect to these folks. Loved what you did Aarohi.

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